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Peyton McCuan

Hello everyone,


On behalf of the 9 National Panhellenic Conference chapters, that encompass over 2000 women, welcome to USC’s Panhellenic Council, the largest women's organization on campus. My name is Peyton McCuan and I am the 2024 Panhellenic President.


I am so excited that you are interested in joining the USC Panhellenic community. Each of our chapters offers a special and supportive environment that empowers women at USC in all aspects of their lives. Our community values academics, campus involvement, community service, and forging lifelong friendships and sisterhood. We offer career workshops and networking allowing for mentorship beyond graduation. We also continuously work on implementing DEI into our everyday practices, constantly educating our community and making a safe, equitable space for all.


I am so happy I joined this community and have made lifelong friendships. Not only my chapter, but this entire community has allowed me to have a support system of women who are change makers and who go above and beyond for those around them. Here I have truly found not only my best friends but my role models.

All 9 of our chapters offer you the experience of being able to find both a chapter sisterhood, but also a Panhellenic sisterhood. I encourage you to learn more about our community on our website and to subscribe to our newsletter where we have programming open to all USC students.


As the 2024 Panhellenic president, I strive to work with not only our chapter and community leaders, but the university and its student leaders to make this an inclusive, safe, and equitable space for all. I want to make sure that every single of our members feels like they can lean on us for support and that they have a meaningful place in a community that loves and value them. Our mission is simple: empower, engage, and include. We truly aim to foster a community that models these pillars. I hope our community is one you find welcoming, engaging, and inspiring. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please e-mail me at I look forward to this year with my incredible executive board — the best is yet to come. I hope you too can find your space in Panhellenic!


Welcome and Fight On!

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